Sitemap - 2022 - Everyday Woo

I owe you an explanation.

it's time to abandon Everyday Woo.

lost in translation.

i'm opening the gift of experience.

sunday not-so-scary

No one likes the DMV.

the inside of a magic 8 ball

we celebrate everything.

last year // this year.

the exile we call home.

the real story is on the back.

eating french fries in paris

a sign from the universe.

it's me versus me.

crying in paradise.

how easy it is to forget.

a funeral + a wedding.

an unexpected séance | part 2

an unexpected séance | part one

i'll see you on the island.

will it feel like this ever again?

a year in writing.

i can't believe i'm doing this.

i've seen this film before.

instant magic (TM)

weird goodbyes.

Who the hell put me in charge?!

I want my body to feel like home.

I'm sick of being in a long distance relationship.

I'm waiting for the call.

I write to know I'm not alone.

I'm not at peace.

Travel safe when you go.

I'm building sandcastles that won't last.

I'm embracing the mess.

I need to rest.

I am my own home.

I'm scared of my own imagination.

Dying into being.

I have the time.

Your favorite tarot card.

I care whether you like me.

Can a tarot deck topple the patriarchy?

I'm remembering who I am.

A synchronized swan dive.

Tarot for Change | The Suit of Pentacles

I'm breaking up.

I'm tumbling in space.

Tarot for Change | The Suit of Cups

I want to skip to the good part.

I have too much stuff.

I'm looking for the flashes of meaning.

I'm slowing things down.

Tarot for Change | The Suit of Wands

I don't want to write about it.

I have a mental health disorder. I am still worthy of love.

I'm letting go.

Tarot for Change Thread | The Devil Through the World

I'm not acting my age.

Tarot for Change Thread | Strength Through Temperance

I write about sad things.

I'm looking for the nuance.

Tarot for Change Thread | The Fool to the Chariot

I want to be your friend.

Tarot for Change Book Club | The place where the veil thins

Tarot for Change Thread: What do you know without knowing?

I'm grateful for my Midwestern roots.

✨Tarot for Change Thread: Introductions✨

A cozy little tarot book club.

I'm lighting the match.

An eclectic way to read the cards.

I'm sick of self care.

I still remember. Even when I don't want to.

I'm exploring my divinity through play.

A launch into the unknown.

AUDIO: I'm moving for love.

I'm moving for love.

How I work with unique tarot decks.

Who I am (doesn't) hate who I've been.

I'm not making a career out of my spirituality.

I'm seeking a spiritual sweet spot.

Pointy Hat Optional: March Collective Reading

Five Things: Finding the Humanity Under the Pile of Shit.

Five Things: Finding the Humanity Under the Pile of Shit (AUDIO).

Pointy Hat Optional: Creating a Restorative Tarot Practice.

Pandemic Teaching + Spaghetti Sauce: The State of My Energetic Container.

Pointy Hat Optional: Dialing Up the Universe.

The Unbearable Whiteness of Spirituality.

Pointy Hat Optional: Anatomy of a Tarot Reading

A Consistent But Infrequent Light: Facing the Fear of Change.

Everyday Woo (Volume 15)

Everyday Woo (Volume 14)

Everyday Woo (Volume 13)